The Bible tells us of love that is true,
Where it comes from and what it will do.
The Source of this love it most clearly states,
And this true love to us it relates.
True love is of God because God is love.
For us He sent His Son from above
To die on the cross, to suffer alone,
To shed His blood, our sins to atone.
When we accept this gift that is given
And request our sins be forgiven,
He makes us all clean on the inside,
Sends His Spirit in us to abide.
Thus, we are enabled God’s love to share,
To those around show true, loving care.
In us God will grow this love that is true,
Guide us in the things we ought to do.
Our lives will then Christ-like love resonate,
Its characteristics demonstrate.
True love is sincere; it does not fail;
It works for good and not evil.
True love thinks of others more than of self;
It does not boast or puff-up itself.
Love bears, believes, hopes, endures everything;
It is patient, kind, and forgiving.
True love God’s holy, royal law fulfills;
So, love God and others, as He wills.
- Merrily ©