If You Would Others Win

If we desire others to win,
We with true love should begin.
Husband, wife, friend, or foe,
We the love of Christ must show,
Lead by example, not by might,
Steering others to the way that’s right.
Boasting, pride, anger, malice,
Seeking our own earthly palace,
All these things and many more
Push others from the heavenly shore,
While style, status, riches, glory,
Only garner outward story.
To bring the lost into the fold,
We must apply what’s good as gold:
Christ-like submission, meekness, care,
Willing service, and desire to share.
If we live out our Father’s plan,
As virtuous woman, honorable man,
We may by our conversation
Bring others to salvation
Or back to God for restoration
And thus fulfill our godly mission.
- Merrily ©

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